Workshop: Conceptual and Philosophical Issues in Evolutionary Medicine

Lisbon, July 2-5 2022

Organised by Theory and Method in Biosciences (University of Sydney and Macquarie University) and ImmunoConcEpT (Université de Bordeaux) with support from the John Templeton Foundation.

This four-day workshop is an opportunity for early career researchers to join field leaders in evolutionary medicine and public health (EMPH) and in the philosophy of biology and medicine for a series of intensive discussions. Rather than simply teaching the state of the field, the aim is to progress key issues in the foundations of evolutionary medicine and to encourage researchers in the philosophy of science and medicine to engage more closely with the field of EMPH.

All participants will be expected to be active participants in achieving these goals. We also hope that new collaborative relationships between philosophers and EMPH researchers will emerge from the meeting.

The workshop will run from midday Saturday July 2nd to midday Tuesday July 5th, immediately proceeding the 2022 International Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health (ISEMPH) conference which commences on July 5th.

Discussion leaders will include:

Dan J. Stein (University of Capetown)
Jonathan Sholl (Université de Bordeaux)
Anya Plutynski (Washington University of St Louis)
Randolph M. Nesse (Arizona State University)
Dominic Murphy (University of Sydney)
Shane Glackin (University of Exeter)
Paul E. Griffiths (University of Sydney)
Pierrick Bourrat (Macquarie University)
Melissa Bateson (Newcastle University)

Topics to be addressed will include: Framing and defining the field of EMPH; evolutionary perspectives on the distinction between the normal and the pathological; implications of evolution for psychiatry and psychiatric nosology; whether approaches to studying adaptation in EMPH are consistent with current developments in population genetics, adaptive dynamics and related fields; the interaction of biological and cultural change in the origin of disease; interaction between evolution, developmental and physiological timescales in the origin of disease.

Twelve places for early career researchers (ECRs) are available at the workshop. Successful applicants will receive free accommodation in Lisbon for the duration of the workshop. Some funding is available to support travel by ECRs who do not have access to other funding. Applicants should have commenced or completed PhD research and should send a Curriculum Vitae and a letter of not more than one page (double spaced A4) explaining why they wish to attend the workshop. Applications should be sent to by May 15th 2022.