These articles argue that the ‘selected effect’ functions of a trait often do not explain the trait because rather than natural selection ‘designing’ traits ‘for’ functions traits are often explained by complex and counter-intuitive dynamics of populations under selection.
Also our reply: Let’s Get to Work: A Response to Our Commentators This reply and the Target Article were a collaboration between Josh Christie, Carl Brusse, Pierrick Bourrat, Peter Takacs and Paul Griffiths of the TMB group
Excited to finally see our Target Article: Are Biological Traits Explained by Their ‘Selected Effect’ Functions? appear in in APR with so many excellent commentators, including Millikan, Okasha, Shea, Kingsbury
Thanks to the organizers and contributors for making the 2024 SAPoLSN summer school such a success! @pierrickbourrat
Now for the Evolution and Development workshop (19-20 August).