Lands Edge dining area
26-28 May 2014
Lands Edge, Chowder Bay

Organisers: Pierrick Bourrat, Paul Griffiths, Maureen O’Malley


Opening talk: Daniel Hutto (University of Wollongong) Toeing the Radically Enactive Line: Rationale, Replies and Next Steps
Iván Darío González Cabrera (ANU) Norms, emotions, and decision-making (short talk)
Linus Huang (Sydney) The Problem of Hierarchical-Dynamic Routing (long talk)
Kate Lynch (Macquarie) Epigenetics and Heritability (long talk)
Wesley Fang (Sydney) Why Fictionalism about Models is not Right (short talk)
Heather Browning (ANU) The ‘natural behaviour’ debate: two conceptions of animal welfare (short talk)
Chris Lean (ANU) Some thoughts on function in ecology (short talk)
John Matthewson & Paul Griffiths (Sydney) An evolutionary heuristic in medical research: requirements and pay-offs (long talk)
Pierrick Bourrat (Sydney) A superior multilevel causal decomposition to contextual and neighbour partitionings (long talk)
Georg Repnikov (Sydney) Missing Heritability – the Dark Matter of Psychiatric Genetics (short talk)